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@ArmThyRightHand 69.8MiB Dec. 8, 2023, 8:29 a.m.

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This is a printable Lower for UTAS-USA's UT9 series of uppers.

Uppers can be purchased directly from their shop on their website:

They're made to order, and appear to be test fired before they leave the factory from what I can tell, so assembly and shipping on mine took about a week and a half. They don't send an automated tracking email or let you know when the parts are shipped. But the uppers are well made and paired with a folding brace function great as a backpack gun.

A few hardware parts are needed for the rear buffer tower heat sets and some bolts, some clevis take down pins, a glock mag spring is needed for the mag catch, two 3mm pins for the ejector and the ejector itself needs to be either hand cut or cut using sendcutsend. dxf files are included as is a printable version. the flex of the printable ejector caused issues while testing so a METAL one is recommended.

Assembly is straight forward, and it's extremely quick to assemble and finish once it's off the printer.

Currently updating and rereleasing my old projects on odysee, stay tuned for more updates to come.

LBRY Tags: utas; ut9m; fosscad; 3d printed; guncad