Release image

Cheetah-9 E-17 Frame

Laffs Dynamics: Receivers & Frames 2.0MiB Feb. 28, 2024, 3:51 a.m.

PCC Frame/Receiver

Cheetah-9 E-17 Frame: Laffs Dynamics

Frame variant for the DIY hybrid PDW/SMG Cheetah-9.

Has a recontoured grip for user comfort, large trigger guard, flaired magwell for ease of reloads, and a recessed mag release section.

Grip section is designed for Glock 17 magazines, or any glock doublestack 9mm mags of larger capacity.

This file pack is for the frame only. Other printed part files will need to be downloaded from the base
design release; links provided in the below text.

Base Cheetah-9 files can be found on Odysee:



Professor Parabellum: Creator of the Cheetah-9; used their frame as a base for this design.

LBRY Tags: 3d printing; firearms; diy; cheetah 9; smg