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RFHP9 v1 (RGB Crescent Remix) (UNTESTED)

The_Random_Taco 82.2MiB Aug. 1, 2023, 1:23 a.m.

Suppressor 9x19mm ATF Form 1 Accessory

*Ribbed For Her Pleasure 9mm*

After the release of the RGB Crescent I was looking over the design, amazed at the efficiency of the inner core, but wanting something a bit more traditional outside with less flair. Though I enjoy Artistic freedoms I decided to borrow the full RGB Crecent core and attempt to change it up a bit and make it a little more traditional, I didn't see the benefit of much the angles which while they may provide some extra surface area, I didn't see the heat dissipation as being that much more superior to a concentric design, so I scrapped it. I do not take credit for this design past some aesthetic choices, I did decide to also toy with the shape of the forward venting holes and think I've managed to keep with a low pressure venting while maintaining about the same flow rate and pressure, I was only able to confirm this by using Autodesk CFD Software only. Otherwise, this is purely the RGB Crecent in a new skin.

I fully intend on making another along this line of design that may have some weight taken off and possibly a better design for venting off some heat towards the rear.

Being as I am not Ruby and do not have the right to use the RGB namesake, and needed to rename this, I decided on focusing on the original core design and named this design the RFHP9, or Ribbed For Her (Or his, I won't judge) Pleasure 9.

LBRY Tags: suppressor; 3d print; art; 9mm