Release image

Broken Bullets Glock Frames (Strike 80 Theme Frames) w/painted supports for Bambu P1S. G26, G26X, G26XX, G19, G19x, G17, G34, G43x, G48

@somebodysomeone 219.2MiB Feb. 1, 2025, 8:23 p.m.

9x19mm Handgun Glock Glock 17 Glock 19 Glock 26

Painted supports and print profiles for polymaker PA6-GF, PA6-CF, and PET-CF for Bambu P1S. G26, G26X, G26XX, G19, G19x, G17, G34, G43x, G48

Credit to
for the 43x & 48 stl
bb43x - single stack strike remix original


for the rest of the included stls
V2 final strike original

LBRY Tags: fmda; glock; 3d2a; g19x; g34