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Rough Rider RMR Mount

Family Joules 94.0MiB April 28, 2024, 1:28 p.m.

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This print allows you to mount an RMR footprint red dot to your Heritage Rough Rider .22 revolver with a 6.5" barrel. Shorter barrel options coming soon.
There is a non threaded, and threaded version. The threaded version uses the same threads as the Breek Arms muzzle devices - 13/16x16tpi
I have also included an experimental cylinder seal for hopefully quieter rounds. This is experimental and can still allow gas to blow by. Do not assume you can safely place your hand or other sensitive objects near the cylinder when firing.
Updated 7-15-2024 to fit front sight post tighter and prevent wobble

LBRY Tags: heritage; rough; rider; rmr; threads