Release image


Chairmanwon 715.4MiB Aug. 11, 2022, 1:34 p.m.

9x19mm Handgun Glock Glock 19


Files are licensed under GPL2

AKA feel free to use these files for any puropose (including commercial) but you have to attribute them to me and any derivitives must be released under the same license if you release it.

BTC donation address bc1q705fcdq9l5l4qdst76e24k4svltt5drnpsth59


website can be found at or


Print these files rails up or down for best results. I know you see me printing at 45 degrees from time to time, but don't do that and expect the best results

Printing Profile Notes

Support X/Y Distance: 1.3mm (stops Cura from supporting stipples)
Use tree supports instead of normal supports (if you are suffering from very long slice times switch back to normal supports, you will waste material compared to trees but the print will be fine)
Enable Z hop on retract

If you are using Prusa Slicer make sure you have Detect Thin Walls set to off

Nozzle: 0.4mm
Layer Height: 0.16mm
Temp: 215-230/60C
Infill: 100%
Walls: 8
Supports: On/full - use a close support interface gap. Your interface gap should not be larger than 0.15mm unless you know what you are doing with your setup.
Cooling fan: 20% normal, 50% on bridges. Off for the first 3 layers. Keep the fan low to prevent warp.

All other settings can/should be left as default or whatever you know works best with your printing setup.