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22lr DIY BCG, updated 4-8-2023

Various fun things 2.2MiB Feb. 22, 2023, 1:11 p.m.

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**UPDATED 3-10-2023**

Added build guide
Updated drawing
Added details to drawing and some dxf files for flat parts in case you want to send them out to be cut


This is the current revision of the diy bolt carrier group for 22lr that I have been working on. It is designed for a slightly oversized ID where the bolt travels inside of the receiver to allow for use of 1" round stock without having to turn it down to .95" OD. It uses 12 gauge steel for the guide rail and extractor, 7/32" rod for the firing pin, 1/8" rod for the spring guide rod, 3/8" square steel for the outer spring guide, 1/4" steel for the feed ramp, the breach guide is sized for a 1/2" or .389" ID and can be 3d printed. The rear guide rod mount is currently being 3d printed but I also have made it out of aluminum.

There are several 3d printed drilling/cutting guides to help you machine the bolt using a drill press and a band saw. You may need to use a dremel with a cutoff disk to get to final slot sizes. Some nicer hand files are good to use as well. I'd use a dremel with cutoff disk and a drill or drill press to cut the firing pin to size. Go slow and measure often

LBRY Tags: diy; 3d2a