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AR15 SF FRT V8 (Depricated)

@S3igu2 8.1MiB Feb. 6, 2024, 7:56 a.m.

Rifle AR-15

This project has been killed and i recommend anyone avoid attempting to make it. A few reasons why mainly due to function and compatibility,
this was originally the first thing i designed when i got into cad thus seriously lacked simplicity and while it does work its far to finicky / complex to get working as well as riddled with compatibility issues. This project is just far to complex to get working for the vast majority of people due to some of the step requiring fine tuning like for example filing disconnector and tuning the hit arms. The super safety while prone to wear when printed is far superior in all ways so that method of "FRT" will be used going forward.

Also there are some arguments as to the legal side of this trigger due to its use of m16 parts and thus only adds to my "just print a super safety" recommendation.

I will leave the files uploaded as i know older versions will just be reposted and id rather you at least get them from me if you must attempt to make this.


SF FRT V8 (Select Fire Forced Reset Trigger) for M16 cut lowers with support for low shelf and high shelf lowers as well as SIG MCX firearms.
This trigger is a mixture of Hoffman Tacticals original FRT and Klaviermeisters select fire setup with modifications.

If you have any questions contact me on twitter @s3igu2 or @s3igu2

Non printed parts required
(If you already have some of the parts here use them insted *The Hammer i linked is the only part i would highly recommend*)
- x1 M16A2 burst trigger
- x1 M16 disconnector
- x1 AR15 disconnector spring
- x1 Full auto 3 Position selector
- x1 AR15 hammer (make sure it has the tail at the end)
- x1 AR15 trigger spring
- x2 AR15 Trigger and hammer pins
- x1 AR15 Hammer Spring
- x1 AR-15 bolt hold open spring (REQUIRED for locking bar dont use other springs)
- x1 3/8" long by 3/32" dia I just cut down this one

Printed parts required
- x1 AR15 SF FRT Housing With Supports
- x1 Hit Arm N 00 or your needed height
- x1 Locking Bar with arm for m16 cut lowers or with no arm for standard cut lowers

Supported Platforms

- RECOMMENDED M16 cut lower receivers with Full auto Bolt carrier group (List in files for lowers to buy "M16 cut lower list.txt")
- High Shelf AR 15s with Full auto Bolt carrier group
- Low Shelf AR 15s with Full auto Bolt carrier group

LBRY Tags: frt; fosscad; ar15; guns; firearm