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37mm fin stablized chalk round with screw-on chalk cup

@FecalDisco 1.9MiB Jan. 6, 2024, 8:16 p.m.

37mm Signaling Device

Fits commercial 37mm aluminum hulls with a length of 3", 3.5", and 4.5".
Print with regular PLA. The base plate must be printed with 100% infill while the rest can use whatever cheapest and fastest setting.

Before printing, test the clearance of your printer with this test:
The 0.1mm pegs in Your test print must slide in and out of the holes for my design to work. It doesn't have to be free falling, but you should able to push the pegs around with slight force on your fingers.
The base plate and projectile neck in my design should fit tightly for a good gas seal. You may not be able to print fitting projectiles if the clearance of your printer is too bad.

How to load:
1. Prime the hull with a 209 primer
2. measure 60 grains (volume) of black powder and pour it into the hull. Don't spill the powder outside of the powder bushing if your hull has one.
3. Push in the base plate. You may need to use a thick punch or a wooden dowel to hammer it all the way down. It is supposed to be tight.
4. Push in the fin.
5. Fill the chalk cup with chalk powder until the chalk surface is about 1cm to the opening.
6. Hold the chalk cup threading up and screw it onto the fin thread.

The fit may not be perfect if your hull is dirty, worn, or slightly out of spec. I have noticed the hulls have some slight variances by purchasing different lots from different time periods.

LBRY Tags: art; 3d printing