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SF FRT V6 (Select Fire Forced Reset Trigger)

@S3igu2 7.3MiB Sept. 25, 2023, 8:43 p.m.


SF FRT V6 (Select Fire Forced Reset Trigger) for M16 cut or low shelf lowers as well as SIG MCX firearms.
This trigger is a mixture of Hoffman Tacticals original FRT and Klaviermeisters select fire setup with modifications made by me.
Some modifications i made are removing the trigger housing and going back to a traditional drop in style, removed some material to
improve reliability, added some material in some areas to improve durability and finally the most important change disengaging
the locking bar in semi to make the trigger feel a lot more normal to a standard ar15 semi auto trigger.

EDIT Updated to V5
- Added FRT text to Full drop in housing
- Added Full drop in housing now works with Ubar low shelf lowers.
- Fixed some spelling mistakes and added text to documentation.

LBRY Tags: frt; fosscad; 3d printing; firearms; guns; c:unlisted