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JJM Mod 9 (WIP)

JoJoMasterson 810.7MiB Oct. 30, 2020, 1:47 p.m.

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My own modification of the Derwood Mod 9.
Changes include:
Shift to more "Angular Aesthetic"
Integrated the ejector mount into the receiver so that it prints as one piece
Created Multiple Mag-well designs for Mod 9 lower
1913 Rear cap for braces and stocks
Changes to the charging handle and handguard based off of the WTF-9 Mussy variant
Adapted AWCY Scorpion Brace to work with design
2 methods of mounting barrel retainer
1. Standard method (threading bolts into plastic in the reciever)
2. EXPERIMENTAL: Thru hole in the receiver to grade 12.9 hex nuts

To Do:
Create easier method of assemby (replace cross screws with Hk or Ar15 style cross pins)
Compile everything into STEP and STL files
Create PDF Build Guide
Create Variant With 1913 Top Rail
Fix "Hump" at the front of the lower

LBRY Tags: firearm development; weapons