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sd9 raised hex

downward spiral of humanity 1.6MiB Sept. 7, 2021, 9:59 a.m.

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These versions has been printed, and tested.

FMDA1776 remix,

Version sd17 recessed hexs has tight gap and recessed hexs as grip pattern, 9 and 40 compatible. This version likes 9, for some reason some 40 holders are not drop free.

Version 4.2
tight gap, Raised honey comb grip, turns out very good if you are patient.

Magpul have a bump to the rear that hits the back strap that is no present on kci, factory or ets versioins, clearance as needed, correct in next version

Always a work in progress, always been functional, but constantly improving

g19 version, and other improvements ongoing

Changes from original FMDA1776 version

1. front and rear rail sections height adjusted and holes adjusted.
2. material added around perimeter to tighten gap
3. nose shortened, and beveled at angles to match upper.
4. take-down slot narrowed to remove slop, and have a nicer fit. (file towards the front)
5. mag stop raised to allow most aftermarket holders to fit better
6. material added here and there to allow for better hand fit/friction fit.
handle design added for looks and better grip

**Tab on the slide stop that engages the holder may need to be bent down slightly to account for the extra material on the perimeter, it should not need much.

**And of course the factory units have a huge gap to allow for variations in machining and parts, some completion kits have turned out tighter gaps then others. Some so tight as to require slight sanding, some slightly cocked up or down. This has to do with slight differences in the slot cut in the upper for the rails, the brand of rails used, and the sear housing at the rear. May not turn out perfect on your combination straight out the oven. File slowly to a even gap. I have turned out several excellent examples, I have also trashed good prints by being in too much of hurry.