Release image

Ripper PDW Frame

Laffs Dynamics: Receivers & Frames 24.7MiB July 24, 2023, 12:43 p.m.

PCC Frame/Receiver

Ripper PDW Frame: Laffs Dynamics

Hardware list, print settings, and assembly instructions are contained in the README PDF file provided. Hardware required
for the top cover will NOT be needed.

Note: The provided PDF is taken directly from the original design's file pack. Print parameters such as orientation
of the print on a build plate may vary.

It's HIGHLY recommended you use a printer with a Z axis build height of at least 300mm.

This file pack is for the frame only. Other printed part files will need to be downloaded from the base
design release; links provided in the below text.

Base Scarab files can be found on Odysee:



Swarmtech: Creator of the Scarab pistol/PDW; used the base frame model from their design release. Provided hardware
info. Provided images for reference.

LBRY Tags: 3d printing; firearms; mac11; pdw; smg