Release image

(Freeman's Lo-Point) LPPDW [V.2.1] by dog! [BETA!]

Dog of Science! 39.9MiB Oct. 2, 2022, 11:42 a.m.


Concurrent fuck-ups:
-no more on frame rail, included is ctrlpews sightrail!

Usual warnings and precautions to printing this as found anywhere else, print at your own risk! If you find any issues with it please promptly report them too me and save the next guy the filament! Read any included documentation especially that which is provided by Freeman!

Q: Does (XXXXX) fit?
A: Hell if I know! u wu

Q: (XXXX) Thing is crooked/outofspec/has cracks etc
A: tell me and i'll have it fixed, otherwise you're an adult you do it

Q: It doesn't do (XXXXX)
A: it's a hi-point.