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3d Printable Groza Press Tooling

JoJoMasterson 40.4KiB Feb. 5, 2021, 7:16 p.m.

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Press Tooling for the Groza I designed.
1.) For max strength print these parts so that the layer line is perpendicular to the centerline barrel while in use.
>You may be able to get away with printing with the layer lines running parallel to the barrel axis provided you have good layer adhesion, and have a light press fit.
>Use 100% infill (or greater if you have the settings tuned to do so).

2.) I recommend using PLA or PLA+, I have used PLA and it worked fine for me

3.) Make sure to support the block as much as possible while in use
>This means having something like the plates under it I used a homemade version of the two steel bars in this: (ak barrel press tools).
>This part may deform/indent where it contacts the part this is OK.

4.) These parts are designed for PLASTIC.
>Be careful if you decide to make a aluminum or steel version as the dimensions may need to be changed to suit the material and to not damage the barrel components

LBRY Tags: ak tooling; firearm development; firearm jigs; groza; weapons