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The Sturmgewehr 556(S) is a printable STG44 inspired rifle that is almost externally 1:1 with the real STG44, but can be made with commonly available AR15 parts.
It takes a design that is originally intended to be made using low grade sheet metal, and utilized modern materials with reinforcements as needed.
I had originally designed this to be made out of metal with my own tooling design, but when PSA shelved their STG project, several people immediately approached me and I modified the design to be printable.
The STG556(S) is configurable for many calibers and can feed from a variety of standard AR15 pattern magazines, and it can be upgraded with many modern AR15 parts and accessories.
Future planned DLC for the STG556(S) include:
-A pistol verison
-A 22lr version
-MKb42(H) inspired version
-Vampir night vision optics
If you want to see more like this, follow me and consider supporting me at https://ko-fi.com/stubbs
The 2nd tier and above get early access to up coming projects, as well as votes on future projects.
Special thanks to all of the following:
- @RustyShackleford777 Made the 9mm STG-VO-44 and is always a source of inspiration for myself and others.
- Claus Espeholt Owner of Espeholt.dk, an invaluable guide to variants and authentication.
- Кирилл Пасхин (Kirill Paskhin) Has created a nearly perfect 1:1 model of the STG44.
- A group who wish to remain anonymous. I have purchased original TDPs and original spare parts for reference.
and especially,
-Black Lotus Coalition, for several beta testers, #1 of whom is:
- @Guttercheese First Beta tester, who helped me find countless errors and had them printed next day. Over 6 receiver revisions were needed.
You can find a separate supplemental build video made independently by Guttercheese at:
LBRY Tags: stg44; stg556(s); stubbs; stubbgewehr; mp44
It takes a design that is originally intended to be made using low grade sheet metal, and utilized modern materials with reinforcements as needed.
I had originally designed this to be made out of metal with my own tooling design, but when PSA shelved their STG project, several people immediately approached me and I modified the design to be printable.
The STG556(S) is configurable for many calibers and can feed from a variety of standard AR15 pattern magazines, and it can be upgraded with many modern AR15 parts and accessories.
Future planned DLC for the STG556(S) include:
-A pistol verison
-A 22lr version
-MKb42(H) inspired version
-Vampir night vision optics
If you want to see more like this, follow me and consider supporting me at https://ko-fi.com/stubbs
The 2nd tier and above get early access to up coming projects, as well as votes on future projects.
Special thanks to all of the following:
- @RustyShackleford777 Made the 9mm STG-VO-44 and is always a source of inspiration for myself and others.
- Claus Espeholt Owner of Espeholt.dk, an invaluable guide to variants and authentication.
- Кирилл Пасхин (Kirill Paskhin) Has created a nearly perfect 1:1 model of the STG44.
- A group who wish to remain anonymous. I have purchased original TDPs and original spare parts for reference.
and especially,
-Black Lotus Coalition, for several beta testers, #1 of whom is:
- @Guttercheese First Beta tester, who helped me find countless errors and had them printed next day. Over 6 receiver revisions were needed.
You can find a separate supplemental build video made independently by Guttercheese at:
LBRY Tags: stg44; stg556(s); stubbs; stubbgewehr; mp44