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REMIX Pistol Brace Stock w/ Saurkraut V2 Folding Mechanism

@plasticgat 9.2MiB Jan. 15, 2023, 12:28 a.m.

Furniture Stock Accessory

Two new pistol brace options and stock options for the SauerkrautV2 folding mechanism.
I've found the Remixed Pistol Brace w/ Hingebody to be my favorite of all folders that i've printed.

##Files that I used to remix or included for convenience but did not have any involvement in the development of:

Laffs Dynamics
Folding PDW Stock/Brace, Model 1 V1.3.1,-Model-1:4

Sauerkraut V2 Folding Brace and Stock

Poseidon Design
Poseidon Design - Sauerkraut V2 x Laff's Dynamics Evo Picatinny mount Mashup

LBRY Tags: blade; brace; pistol; firearms; 3d printing