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.30-06 to 7.65x53mm Argentine Mauser Trim Jig

gopr 1.7MiB Nov. 27, 2021, 11 p.m.

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Trim die for conversion of .30-06 to 7.65x53mm Argentine Mauser cases. Use with a Lee case trimmer shellholder, vise, and a hacksaw to remove excess neck material before full length sizing. Substitute for various trim dies made by RCBS, Redding, etc..

SLDPRT, STEP, and STL files included.

New (12/19/21): Now includes a large version that will sit higher in the vise, and be less susceptible to jamming up the shellholder if the drill isn't perfectly normal to the holder.

LBRY Tags: 1891; 7.65x53; argentine; mauser; trim jig