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Warning - Please Read! - Its recently come to my attention that the OEM and other frames for the P365s have metal inserts to hold the rail module in place and to take the impact of the slide. The frame designs posted here do not accomidate that metal insert and will degrade after about 500 rounds if the frame is made from PLA or PLA+. At this time no other material has been tested but this will get updated if that changes.
So a few weeks ago a friend showed me @Yah3D:5 had posted some frames for P365s. I immediately downloaded the XMacro and was pumped to start printing. While learning how to make and add textures to the grips, I found out that the XMacro and XL use different magazines. I'm not trying to speak ill of Sig but their magazines are really overpriced. Then it hit me, just put the XLs magwell on the XMacro frame. This way I get the grip I can actually hold and a full length frame ditching the overbiting slide, and thus the P365XM (Xtra Medium) frame was created. I really want to know who at Sig thought the short frame on the XL looked good and was a good design choice but thats not what I'm here to rant about. Anyway, this is the v0 of my frame kit bash. And like most things I make, it requires hand fitting, cursing and patients. So far this fits the trigger module thingy and mag release pretty well, it still might need a little help from a rubber hammer to get in place but I'm working on the design so stay tuned. I'm working to add some texturing to the grip and maybe even an intergral gas pedal. Also, a big thanks to Yah3D for sharing the files.
LBRY Tags: p365; foscad; 3dprinting; guns; awcy?
So a few weeks ago a friend showed me @Yah3D:5 had posted some frames for P365s. I immediately downloaded the XMacro and was pumped to start printing. While learning how to make and add textures to the grips, I found out that the XMacro and XL use different magazines. I'm not trying to speak ill of Sig but their magazines are really overpriced. Then it hit me, just put the XLs magwell on the XMacro frame. This way I get the grip I can actually hold and a full length frame ditching the overbiting slide, and thus the P365XM (Xtra Medium) frame was created. I really want to know who at Sig thought the short frame on the XL looked good and was a good design choice but thats not what I'm here to rant about. Anyway, this is the v0 of my frame kit bash. And like most things I make, it requires hand fitting, cursing and patients. So far this fits the trigger module thingy and mag release pretty well, it still might need a little help from a rubber hammer to get in place but I'm working on the design so stay tuned. I'm working to add some texturing to the grip and maybe even an intergral gas pedal. Also, a big thanks to Yah3D for sharing the files.
LBRY Tags: p365; foscad; 3dprinting; guns; awcy?