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AK 90° gas block/port drill jig

@muhgroinisfelt 217.8KiB Nov. 16, 2021, 10:28 a.m.

Rifle AK

Fairly self explanatory. Press on your 90° gas block, scribe/dyechem the inside edge of the alignment hole on the bottom , remove your gas block, tighten the jig onto the barrel while using the bottom hole and scribe/dye to properly align, drill through the small hole on the top of the jig to perfectly align your gas port. If you don't have a drill press and need to use a hand drill, to keep your bit straight you can melt a steel bushing from MSCDirect into the top hole of the jig. Uses 2x M3 nuts and bolts to clamp down

LBRY Tags: akm; ak47; gunsmithing tool