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Backup of Hoffman Tactical's Forced-Reset Trigger design (all files) for the AR-15 rifle platform. Can be 3D-printed at home on most cheap/available machines.
Say thanks to Hoffman Tactical @ https://hoffmantactical.org/
(Legal-rats are attempting to silence/censor HoffTac for his free designs. Go show support!)
(archived for Wisened Weaponeer)
LBRY Tags: guns; 2a; 3d-print; censorship; ar-15
Say thanks to Hoffman Tactical @ https://hoffmantactical.org/
(Legal-rats are attempting to silence/censor HoffTac for his free designs. Go show support!)
(archived for Wisened Weaponeer)
LBRY Tags: guns; 2a; 3d-print; censorship; ar-15