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A lil cocking handle for that special Bear Creek Arsenal AR-15 side charger in your life :kissing_heart:
Requires a BCA side charger with original charger intact, and super glue or adhesive of your choice. You'll use the same screw from the charger, pick an orientation for the lil cocker, then glue-n-screw baby!
LBRY Tags: lil cocking handle; 3d2a; fosscad; bca; lifesize
Requires a BCA side charger with original charger intact, and super glue or adhesive of your choice. You'll use the same screw from the charger, pick an orientation for the lil cocker, then glue-n-screw baby!
LBRY Tags: lil cocking handle; 3d2a; fosscad; bca; lifesize