Release image

FGC-6FA MKI/MKII full auto / semi auto open bolt starter kit GBB airsoft FGC-9 replica

@UntangleWORKS 222.6MiB Feb. 25, 2023, 6:01 p.m.

9x19mm FGC-9 Hybrid Firearm

Update: 10-3-2023
anarchy lowers have been added

- V25 bolts have been added (manual shows how to update a v24 bolt to a v25 bolt)
- improved disconnects have been added


this is the 2023 re-release of the FGC-6FA with updated parts, and manuals and better testing data. so it should be a lot easier to build this model. this model can fire on full auto or semi auto depending on the sear group that you will be using. and is simple to switch out. but to be fair this model is more made to be full auto. unless you like to have the experience of having a open bolt semi auto. but the FGC-6 H and BL are nicer to shoot on semi auto.

this kit comes with a lot of options! so read the PDF’s well before you start so you know what to select to print and buy.

this project have been tested with green gas, red gas and HPA and it got a working range with the current springs of 90 up to 140 Psi on HPA.

look for shrouds and stock in the FGC-6BFA MKI or MKI collections
FGC-6FA MKII links

FGC-6FA MKI and Hybrid

the advanced parts will be released in a separate package. note: only use them as fine tuning and experiment parts! your FGC-6FA should work with the parts provided in this starter kit.

movie link:
original release video

FGC-6 H FA: why and how to use the upper sand tool

print settings:
0.2 layer hight should be fine.
you can use the 8 layer walls and a 40% infill.
but personally I moved a bit over to solid prints just to give it more strength in case things go wrong on the field…

for the lower I would use a brim on both the outside and inside the part just to prevent it from warping

LBRY Tags: fgc6; fgc-6fa; gbb; airsoft; fgc9