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Laffs Dynamics 5.7MiB Oct. 14, 2022, 11:08 a.m.

Foregrip Furniture Rifle AK Accessory

DYNAMIC DONG M-Lok Flat Mount AFGs: Laffs Dynamics

Variants of the original Dynamic Dong M-Lok AFGs, designed for mounting on flat faced / non rounded handguards.

Comes in two variants, both with two sub variants:

* Dong Dangler
- Ribbed Dangler

* Lil Silly
- Ribbed Silly

You can figure out which one's are longer :D

Printer Used: Ender 3 V2

Filament Used: PLA+

Print Settings:

Extruder: 220C
Bed: 56C
First Layer Print Height: .2mm
Standard Layer Height: .14mm+
Wall Thickness: .40
Wall Perimeters: 5+
Infill: 28%+
Support Material Percentage: 18%

Print the dong upside down.

Hardware Required:

2x M5x10 Hex Socketed Machine Screw/Bolt

2x M-Lok T-Nuts (Be sure both bolt & nut are the same thread pitch.)

Developer's Notes:

*During the original development of the Dynamic Dong, the model variants were actually called the Hung 'n Slung, and the Chode; instead
of their released "family friendly" designations.

*I was giggled at when I originally asked around for ppl's AK dong dims, so I had Chairmanwon do it for me. Not surprisingly, ppl
straight up gave him the data needed.

LBRY Tags: 3d printing; firearms; dong; mlok; ak