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FGC68 MKII tipx edition: Dye Half mag UAL Upper and lower set for paintball first strike use

@UntangleWORKS 11.7MiB Jan. 6, 2023, 11:56 a.m.

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updated: 08-01-2023

this lower and Upper will work with the basic FGC68-MKII parts.
this set will make it possible to use dye half mags with the FGC68 platfrom

the FGC68 starter set can be found here:

the collection of FGC68 parts can be found here:


some of the installation steps that are different from the TIPX lower can be fund in the images for now


marker parts:
long range kit for TIPX or TCR internals for first strike use

I have not tested if the stock TIPX round shaped breach will match well with the Plant eclipse followers... for round-ball only use

mags parts:

self made dye half mags or the UNW DHM mag shells.
and you will need the PE followers the official ones. or the 3d printed PE replica.
note: you don't have to use the special Lok-bolt followers that I made. the stock shape of a PE follower should work like a bolt stop

the DYE Half MAG parts that I made can be found here. (half mag shells, followers)


materials needed lower mag release:
paddle release
1x spring 6mm OD, 0.6mm wire, 12mm long
1x bolt m2 16mm long

L part
1x m3 bolt in a length of 25mm

FGC9 mag release paddle
1x metal pin 4mm OD, 27mm long (a 3d printed part can be used for this)


print settings:
0.2 layer hight should be fine.
you can use the 8 layer walls and a 40% infill.
but personally I moved a bit over to solid prints just to give it more strength in case things go wrong on the field…

LBRY Tags: paintball; magfed; dye half mag; first strike rounds; fgc68